Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 2 An Hour each day? Really?

 I'm supposed to exercise 1 hour each day. Frankly, I'm intimidated by this. I keep looking for excuses not to. The excuses have nothing to do with my time management - in reality I have the time. Of course I want the path of least resistance, so I tell myself, "I lost weight and got fit before with 3X a week aerobic and 2X a week strenght. Why can't I just exercise 3X a week?" Or I dwell on the experts who say 1/2 hour of walking per day is enough. If that's the case, 1 hour 3X a week gets the job done.
  After all those argments are out on the table, I keep coming back to the fact that I should just do it for as long as I can. There's no harm in getting some form of exercise every day. I can break up the work. Somedays I might walk for the full hour, other days, I could bike and walk. What about a suburban triathalon where I walk for 20, bike for 20 and jump around in the pool (to the extent that I keep my heart rate up) for 20? I kind of like that mix. There's always taking a class at the gym. I have to figure out how my work schedule will work with this and I still have some limitations on my wrist, but it's a posibility.
 I can only assume that I'll see faster and more solid results if I kick this into gear. Who knows, I might just discover an inner zen that I can feed.

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