Saturday, July 7, 2012


Sorry it's been so long since my last post. My daughter, Faith, came back from Germany, my work picked up speed, and I'm trying to fit in all these workouts! This one was actually written on the Sunday that we picked Faith up from the airport. I hope to add more posts later today because it's been two weeks into my life with Patrick.

I needed to walk today, but I have a busy day. I also know that I prefer to get exercise over with early. I do this so that I'll do it and to charge myself up. Well, we needed to get to church early. Actually, Jonathan needed to get to church early which left me with extra time. Guess what I did? First of all, let me go back a bit. Originally I figured on getting to church 15-20 minutes earlier (the time that he originally said that he wanted to get there). As often is the case, we didn't leave the house exactly at that targeted time. I figured on dropping some books off at the library and walking the trail that goes through a natural marsh. It's really a lovely walk  and one I was looking forward to. As I said, we didn't get out of the house on time, and I forgot to bring the library books, so I had some choices to make.

Here are my thoughts: I can do a couple of things with this. I'm already annoyed that my good choice to walk is sabotaged. I'm worried that I won't get the time I need to walk - remember... I'm supposed to exercise one hour each day. Well my irritation won't get the job done or serve to turn back time, so I modify my walk to once around the neighborhood at church. There are beautiful homes to look at, enough variety in the sidewalks that I keep alert and work different parts of my legs and feet, and I can adjust my time as there are lots of short blocks. Even when it started to sprinkle a little, the walk felt good and refreshing. My next concern was changing clothes. I wore workout clothes to church which was a good choice as I was really sweaty after the walk., so when I finished, I grabbed a bag from the car which I packed with a dress, some sandals and a necklace. I went to the most out-of-the way bathroom, locked the door and hoped that no one really need to use it. I proceeded to give myself a paper-towel spongebpath. (note to self- bring a washcloth, and at least a hand-towel next time). Thanks to Mary Kay, the makeup that I applied at the house stayed looking good. So with a freshened up body (all be it still a little moist) I sashayed into church fresh as a daisy and I succeeded in getting in my walk.

You might wonder about the missing 15 minutes. I made those up while walking the dogs with Faith. After a long flight, she was ready for some activity.

Soon to come: Shoes and theSuburban Triathalon or how can I break up the monotony.

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