Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Perfect Storm

Have you ever heard someone say this: "It's a God thing." I guess it's a hip way to credit God for something that other's might chalk up to coincidence. Well, I'm not much of a believer in coincidence, it's too random. I really do believe that God cares about what I do and how I interact with others. If you are not of the same mind, I invite you to read on and consider a different point of view or exit this post as I'm going to get religious.
 I've enjoyed a growing and evolving relationship with God. I read my bible and meditate on it daily. I seek God's presence in my life and trust that I am His servant. That sounds very high and holy until I confess that I'm human and fall short of these standards. While I've read the Bible daily for 35 years, I have not always meditated on it's meaning. Some days all I do is read it. Some parts I skip because they're lists of names, other parts I skip because I know them well enough. Often I'm rushed and preoccupied so my daily devotions are not very devoted.

There is one book in particular, however,  that I relish and that's The Psalms; five times the Psalmist says, "sing a new song,". Whenever I read these, I ask myself, " What song am I currently singing, and what new song should I sing?" In this case, I had really come close to total complacence when it comes to my fitness. I was spending hours in front of the TV. I got a lot of knitting done, but there was definitely a facet of my well being that I was neglecting. I'll leave it to you- the reader to suggest song titles for my new song. I might like to add them to my MP3 playlist.

An old camp song says, "God Works in Mysterious Ways." Is it a mystery if you can explain it? Is it a mystery if you're looking for it? Is it a mystery if it smacks you in the face and declares it's presence? I already described on my initial post how God brought Patrick to me. Here's another thing that God did. When the 4 free sessions were done, I wasn't sure how I was going to pay for the next 6 weeks. Let's face it, personal training isn't free. My income is contract based. I either have work and get paid, or I don't, and with three extra adults living in the house, our money is stretched fairly tight. Well, Jonathan heard that he was going to get a check from an unexpected source, and he told me that he wanted me to use that money towards my training. Wouldn't you know it - the check was above and beyond the expected amount in the sum of ... 6 weeks of training!

Patrick describes my situation as a perfect storm. I have a great support system in my family, I have a fairly uncomplicated schedule (for now), I have the summer weather - including the heat which allows me to get in the pool- and I have God providing in amazing ways.

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