Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sub-Tri or How to Make an Hour Interesting

I get bored easily. I read several books at a time, I change furniture around, I flip around TV channels, and I grow weary of the same kinds of workouts. I have seen the same women walk around the block at 6 AM every day for the past five years. Rain, sleet, snow, they are like clockwork. I, on the other hand, have belonged to 6 gyms. Sometimes I switch because there isn’t enough variety for me as when I belonged to one of those places in the strip malls. I felt like a hamster on a wheel walking on a treadmill. The worst was a huge, national chain which boasts 24 hour availability and row upon row of treadmills, stair climbers, elliptical machines and stationary or recumbent bikes. There’s something dystopian about hundreds of people wearing heart rate monitors and headphones staring at reality TV while plodding, pedaling, and plunging. I must make an exception with the gym I belonged to with individual TV screens on the aerobic machines. I kind of liked watching those shows while I worked out – until I took my eyes off the screen and saw the same glazed over eyes and disconnected attention.

One of the things I enjoy about working out is taking my mind off of my job, my to-do list, and my cares and concerns. I do this best when I am fully engaged in the workout. This means the TV is off. I also like to mix things up. I don’t cross-train because I feel a need to work other muscles even though I know this is important. I cross train because I get bored with the same thing, so when I began this fitness program, I knew I’d have to mix things up, so I decided to do, what I call, a Suburban Triathlon.

Within an hour, I walk, bike, and run in the pool. I gave it my first go after my blister ordeal. I wanted to get an hour’s worth of workout, but I didn’t want to aggravate my blisters. Normally, when I do a short walk around the block, I bring my dogs. They are little and suffer from various joint pains, so I don’t take them on long walks. Also my schnauzer insists on frequent marking which slows things down. I put on my proper walking shoes and headed out. I went around in a little less than 20 minutes; it’s a much lighter task without the dogs pulling, twisting and tripping me up.  I must have been looking like I got a workout because when I came in to get a drink, my daughter, Leona, immediately ran to get some water for me.

Next phase the bike. I thought I was helping myself by setting it out on the driveway readying it for me, but I forgot that my saddle is black and the sun was out. Ouch. It was kind of weird getting on the bike with fatigued legs. I needed to push harder at first, but something that I am learning about biking is that those times when I can coast are sweet. I also like the breeze. I pedaled around and about bringing my total workout time to 40 minutes.

The last set was in the pool. When I workout in the pool, I do a couple of things. It is an above-ground, round pool. I can’t exactly do laps, but I can run in circles creating a whirlpool. It’s fun to do this with a large group of people and then the effect is almost like a lazy river where people can get carried around and around, kind of like a large, flushing, toilet bowl. Anyway, after creating the whirlpool in one direction, I switch directions and force myself and the water to move in the opposite way. It kind of feels like walking in a strong wind or climbing a mountain, and It really intensifies the workout. Another thing I do is jump about. When the kids were small, they loved it when I did “froggie jumps” or “washing machine” because I made big waves. Again, my heart rate is up and I can do things in the pool that I definitely can’t do on land. Well, after 40 minutes of workout, I had little to give to this endeavor and, as you might imagine, running around in circles can get monotonous. I did what I thought was 20 minutes (I didn’t have a timer with me) Surely it must have been 20 minutes, but when I toweled off, I found out that it was only 10. I called that good enough with a promise to add 10 minutes later (I’m not sure if I actually did or not).

Today I did another Sub-Tri. At Patrick’s suggestion, I broke the workout into 25/25/10. This was much easier to handle and I feel like this is fun, interesting, and do-able.

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