Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Random thoughts about the olympics

I am not an Olympian. I haven’t the drive, determination, or talent to do anything to the extreme that Olympians do. I strive for excellence as it is reflected in my connection with people and my work, but I have never immersed myself in one activity so fully that I could be considered an Olympian. I do, however, enjoy watching the Olympics. This year has been different, and it has nothing to do with my new sporty lifestyle.  I didn’t so much watch them, but I listened to those who have been watching the Olympics, and I have a few thoughts.

1.       Professional Athletes.

a.       I remember during the cold war when we Americans scorned the Communists for creating full-time training centers for their elite athletes. We were under the impression, perhaps unjustly so, that the governments of those eastern block countries housed, fed and educated those magnificent, and talented people and we considered them “Professional Athletes.” We held ourselves up to a higher standard -or so we thought- by limiting an athlete’s income to earned endorsements and danced our superiority salsa because we competed – and won- without “Professional Athletes.”  Why does the current medal count not surprise me?

2.       Doping

a.       Again, back in the cold war, we looked at East German women swimmers. It was hard to distinguish them from the men. We, of course, accused them of doping. A Chinese woman swimmer was making better scores than the men in the same event. Doping? Usain Bolt is the fastest man alive. Prior to the games, he felt ill. Doping? Michael Phelps told the media that he goofed off this year and barely trained. I hoped other swimmers might have a chance. He won race after race. Doping? The current athletes are bigger, stronger, and faster. Are they doing this without any chemical help?

3.       #2

a.       If an athlete comes home with a medal, any medal, in the OLYMPIC GAMES, why does the second place athlete act as if he or she has failed? #2 IN THE WORLD is no small feat! Of course I understand the desire for gold, but I’m also sure that #2 has come in #1 many times. Yes, people don’t remember #2, but #2 will never forget being an OLYMPIAN.

4.              Questions:
a.       Why do the medal winners bite their medals? Don’t they know there’s only $5.oo worth of metal in one?
b.      What do the squiggly shapes in the logo mean?
c.       Was there some explanation of the mascots and I missed them? Over the years they look less and less like mascots and more and more like under-animated blobs.
d.      Did anyone think USA would not medal in Basketball? Now –that would be an upset.
5.       Gymnastics
a.       It all just goes to show you that you’re only as good as your last performance.

6.      What I didn’t’ see  but wanted to

a.       Fencing, Archery, shooting, judo, diving, horsey stuff.

7.        What I did see, but didn’t want to

a.       Qualifying heats, swimmers’ butt cracks, beach volleyball,

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